
Thanks, Ted.

For details from qualified physicians and researchers, see "The Great Barrington Declaration", https://gbdeclaration.org/

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As Dr. Bauer is well aware, the scientist as a brave truth seeker following the evidence wherever it may lead (Sir Galahad in a lab coat) is long out of date. Scientific research is largely a corporate and government funded matter now. Corporations are interested in money and governments in power. Independent voices are intolerable to them and they will crush them if they can. The Covid disaster put all this on full display. A government/corporate alliance rushed into use an experimental therapy that soon proved dangerous and largely ineffective. Physicians and scientists who criticized the program were fired, threatened, ostracized, and censored. Alternative therapies were ridiculed and suppressed. The public was subjected to a mandatory vaccine campaign completely contrary to medical ethics. Data showing the harm caused by the vaccines was hidden from the public. To this day, there has been no acknowledgement by the authorities of the harm done nor any punishment for those who lied and furthered the harm. The HMO I belong to is still urging their members to be vaccinated (including their children!).

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